Wake Up a Woman Wordle

It’s time to play with another poet’s words…mine! I took words from my first book, Wake Up a WomanI hope you enjoy them and find them inspiring!


Here are your words:


And have you considered submitting to our Write for Us segment? We’d love to feature your work here on The Reverie! Click here for more information…

Good luck and have fun!

Remember, all entries must be linked back to this post with a pingback or by commenting.

Shaping of an Angry Black Woman Wordle

It’s time for a new wordle! This week, I’ve taken words from one of our editor’s books, The Shaping of an Angry Black Woman  by Tamara Woods. There is no set amount of words you have to use, and you can use any form of the word listed below (plural, past tense, etc.)


Here are you words:


To check out Tamara Woods’ book, click here!

Good luck and have fun!

Remember, all entries must be linked back to this post with a pingback or by commenting.

Lost in the Darkness | Prompt

Some of you may noticed the prompt was…well,…not here yesterday.

I am so very blessed to be living in the affected area of what everyone seems to be calling “snowacopolyse.” I’d laugh at the absurdity of it, but I’m on day three of having my children home from school and it’s just not funny anymore.

We had a power outage yesterday that left us spending quality time together in the glow of so many candles it looked like we were mourning the dead or performing a demonic incantation.

So in light of our darkness, I want you to write about the darkness.

Make it your theme, use the word, talk about light in the darkness…Whatever inspires you, let the darkness guide it!

Remember to link up by posting in the comments below or linking back to this post. All poems submitted for the prompt will be considered for this year’s magazine. Happy writing!

Where Would You Go? | Prompt

We just got our first snow of the season here and our skies are gray and overcast. It’s depressing weather. I’m not a fan of the cold.

So to combat that, let’s take this week’s prompt on a little vacation:

Write about a place you wish you could visit.

Any where. Any time.

Where would you go if you could go right now?

Have fun and link back to this post or leave your post in the comments. All prompt entries will be considered for this year’s magazine.

Bring a Friend | Prompt

I grew up in the church. Now, we I say I grew up in the church, I don’t mean we were there every Sunday. I mean that my grandfather was a pastor, and we were there every Sunday…and Wednesday night, and Sunday night, and Tuesday’s for youth group, and all summer long for all three church camps offered…for 18 years.

I literally grew up in the church.

One thing I always remembered was “Bring a Friend to Church” day. Did anyone else ever have that? It was a big deal for us. Our pastor would insist on us going out and finding someone new to bring along with us.

Now, 18 years later, I’m not a religious person,  but I think there is value to bringing someone new with you to experience things you enjoy. It’s a new year and what could be better than trying something completely new, different, and hopefully, fun?

So your prompt is more of a challenge this week.

We want you to bring a friend to The Reverie.

I’m going to give you a fun wordle prompt below, and hopefully you will all find it inspiring and write something amazing for us! And then your challenge is to go find a poet you know, and bring them over. Have them tell us you sent them.

The person who refers the most poets to us, who participate in the prompt, will win themselves a guest post right here on this site. You can use it to share a new poem, to promote your own work or website, to talk about an upcoming book or publication you are working on…The possibilities are endless.

You have your challenge, guys and gals. Here’s your prompt:

Cloud 1.png

1. dizzy
2. ruins
3. dedication
4. patchwork
5. smother
6. reverence
7. raspberry
8. time
9. fierce
10. squall
11. pale
12. heavy
13. gap
14. courage

We’re giving you 14 words to use in your poem this week, but you only need to use ten at least. Use all 14 if you can! You can use any form of the word, as well. Good luck and we hope to see lots of new people this week.

Fugue Literary Magazine | Publishing Opportunity

Part of what we do here at The Reverie Journal is to tell you about opportunities to share your work. Of course, we certainly hope you’ll still consider submitting with us for our Write for Us, which we will start posting again in January. So please submit! Submissions for the magazine and anthology are currently closed.

Today we’d like to introduce you to Fugue Literary Magazine. “Begun in 1990 by the faculty in the Department of English at University of Idaho, Fugue has continuously published poetry, plays, fiction, essays, and interviews from established and emerging writers biannually.”

Poetry, fiction, and nonfiction submissions are accepted Sept. 1-April 1. Online submissions only. For more information visit their page.

Contact: Alexandra Teague, faculty advisor

Contact:P fugue@uidaho.edu


Don’t forget, our Monday prompt is live and ready for you to write.

Publishing Opportunities are compiled from information gathered in the 2015 Poet’s Market.